Theme: “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.”

The goal of World Hypertension Day is to increase awareness of hypertension and promote its prevention, identification, and management. It is commemorated every year on May 17. More than a billion individuals worldwide, or more than 30% of the adult population, suffer with hypertension. It is the main cause of cardiovascular disorders, especially heart attack and coronary artery disease. Additionally, dementia, heart failure, arrhythmia, and chronic kidney disease are all risk factors for hypertension. Sharing knowledge about this disease is essential because of this.

World Hypertension Day has been observed annually on May 17 by WHL. Due to patients with hypertension not having the necessary knowledge, the day aims to raise awareness of hypertension.

Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is a continuous elevation of the blood pressure in the blood vessels. Your blood pressure rises as your heart pumps more blood and as your blood vessels become more constricted. Normal high blood pressure is symptomless, but constant high blood pressure can lead to dementia, coronary artery disease, stroke, chronic renal disease, heart failure, and arrhythmia. You must have a check to determine your blood pressure because there are typically no symptoms.

Primary (essential) hypertension and secondary hypertension are the two subtypes of hypertension. While secondary hypertension has a known cause, including kidney diseases, obstructive sleep apnoea, and some medications like birth control pills or certain prescribed medications, primary hypertension does not. The maintenance of adult body weight, regular cardiovascular exercise such brisk walking, lowering dietary sodium intake, eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and moderation of alcohol consumption are a few recommendations for the primary prevention of hypertension.

Although it can be treated, hypertension does not yet have a known cure. For some people, this can be unpleasant or uncomfortable because you must take drugs until your blood pressure is under control. They might end up having to take blood pressure drugs for the remainder of their lives, after all. Still, it is preferable to avoid it by leading a healthy lifestyle.


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