Heart Attack: Life Threatening to Youngsters

There was a time when heart diseases and illness were associated with old age. It was unbelievable that a youngster could be diagnosed with it. But today, things are different. Heart diseases, including heart failure, have been on the rise for the younger generation of the population due to sedentary lifestyle choices, changes in dietary habits, and variables like stress, anxiety, and obesity.

Heart failure is a chronic illness that develops when the heart cannot pump blood effectively enough to meet the body's tissues' metabolic needs. Weakened heart muscles result in insufficient blood flow to the cells, which causes exhaustion, shortness of breath, and other heart failure symptoms. It primarily comes on by the accumulation of fatty deposits in the artery walls and excessive levels of cortisol pushed on by excessive stress.

Causes of heart disease in Youngsters –

* Smoking
* High blood pressure
* Diabetes
* Coronary artery disease
* Bad heart valves

The illness can make it difficult to do everyday activities like walking, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries, and it can occasionally be dangerous. Heart failure is a chronic ailment that cannot be cured as the heart's ability to pump blood decreases over time. When hormonal and other compensation processes fail, there is a risk to life. The body attempts to compensate for this.

While lifestyle, dietary, and medication changes can help manage the condition in its early stages, they can prove to be effective if the illness is advanced. Most patients need surgery, a transplant, or the implantation of a device in the later stages.


What you should know to keep your heart healthy:

- Keep a healthy weight.

- Regular physical activity or outdoor activities

- Consume fruits, vegetables, entire grains, and lean proteins.

- Avoid smoking and engaging in drugs for fun.

- Reduce tension

- Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

 Dr. Nikhita Khabale Patil

M.D. (Ayu)

Lifestyle Consultant 



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