EECP therapy is a boon for long-term COVID patients

EECP is a non-invasive approach that has been found to enhance cerebral and heart perfusion. When EECP patients arrive at the clinic, they lie down on a treatment table and have three sets of pneumatic cuffs placed on their calves, thighs, and lower hips. The mechanism for the cuffs to consecutively inflate from the legs up to the hips during the heart's resting phase is a three-lead electrocardiogram. The cuffs deflate simultaneously with the heart's beginning of the contraction phase. The heart muscle and the rest of the body are both subjected to the regulated inflation and deflation. A patient may have up to 35 therapy sessions over the course of a week, each lasting an hour. New research demonstrates that extended COVID, a condition that affects endothelial function and vascular health, is a disease. EECP is a non-invasive, disease-modifying treatment that has been proved in controlled clinical trials to enhance endothelial function. Worldwide, an estimated 50% of CO...