If heat stroke is not treated quickly, it could be dangerous. Some of its severe symptoms include an unexpected rise in body temperature, fast heartbeat, and unconsciousness.

Large portions of north India frequently face devastating heat waves in the height of summer, but this time the temperature spike in April presents reason for warning. As the body's natural thermostatic system is altered by the intense heat, major complications with health develop. There are several frequent ailments brought on by the intense heat outside, including heat cramps, heat stroke, dehydration, exhaustion, diarrhoea, and confusion.

Extreme weather conditions may also have effects that last. In many cases, it has been seen that the heatwave is making chronic health conditions severe. Additionally, a quick rise in temperature causes behavioural changes in people.

When left untreated, heat stroke is a significant medical emergency that poses a risk to life. It happens when the body's cooling system fails to work properly, causing a dangerously high body temperature. Heat exhaustion occurs on by continuous exposure to heat, and if left untreated, it can develop into heatstroke. When your core body temperature exceeds 104 F (40 C) or greater, you are experiencing a serious illness known as heatstroke. Your brain and other important organs may suffer long-term harm, which may even result in death.

Although heat exhaustion and heat stroke are similar, there are some significant variations. Long-term exposure to extremely high temperatures and a deficiency in water are the two main causes of heat exhaustion. This may cause a rapid yet weak pulse, profuse sweating, and rapid breathing.



1. Elevated body temperature: The first indicator of heat stroke is a core body temperature of 104°F (40°C) or above, and this should prompt immediate medical intervention.

2. Rapid heartbeat: The rising body temperature may cause the heart to beat more quickly.

3. Rapid breathing: The body may breathe more quickly in an effort to cool itself off. Your heart is under a great deal of stress as a result of overheating. Why? To ensure that your body's natural cooling mechanisms keep your temperature under control, it needs to pump harder and faster. Breathing difficulties or hyperventilation could come from this.

4. Confusion or disorientation: Heat stroke can impair brain function, leading to seizures, confusion, or both. A loss of coordination, disorientation, anger, or an inability to walk are important warning symptoms of exertional heat stroke since it affects your central nervous system.

5. Headache: A severe headache that is frequently accompanied by fainting or dizziness may be a sign of heat stroke. Dehydration or the overall impact of heat stroke on the central nervous system are the most common causes of this illness.

6. Nausea and vomiting: As a natural reaction to a high body temperature, the body may experience these symptoms.

7. Dry, hot skin: Despite the elevated body temperature, the skin may feel dry, hot, and flushed and may not sweat out.

8. Muscular cramps or weakness: Heat stroke can result in weakness, loss of consciousness, or even muscular spasms. This is also referred to as heat cramps and is one of the first symptoms of heat exhaustion following activity. Severe spasms, especially in the legs, arms, or abdomen, can occur when you evaporate in suffocating heat.

9. Feeling uneasy dizzy, or vomiting: As you continue to sweat out, your body will get increasingly dehydrated. When multiple organs are affected by the heat, any of the symptoms of heat stroke listed above can aggravate and cause dizziness, fainting, nausea, or vomiting.

10. Skin rashes: The body sends blood flow to the skin to cool itself off in both conventional and exertional heat strokes, which causes it to appear red. Your skin may also feel too damp or abnormally dry, depending on the type of heat stroke you experience.

Make urgent efforts to cool the hot person while you wait for emergency help. Emergency medical care is required for heat stroke. If heat stroke is not treated, it might quickly cause damage to your brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles. The longer you wait to receive treatment, the worse the damage gets, increasing your risk of developing serious complications or early death. (Also read https://shanikrupahealthyliving.blogspot.com/2023/04/summer-health-seasonal-living-by.html)

Dr. Nikita Khabale Patil

                        M.D. (AYU)




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